Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Running Philips CD-i in Mame Super Crazy Fool Proof Tutorial 2021

This might seem very basic, but it's actually not available anywhere on the internet, specially the part about having to change CDI/2352 to MODE1/2352 in the .cue file for it to work, so I thought i'd make a tiny tutorial for all people who'd like to try all the newly dumped cdi stuff in mame that's coming out these days. Thanks to Foxhack for some tips.

1. Download MameUI -

2. Download bleeding the edge cdi bios dump

3. Unpack cdimono1.7z and make it into a zip with the same name

4. Download a game, as an example we're going to use a newly dumped disc that we will turn into a .chd as there are now many new dumped games not included in the official mame set that needs to be turned into .chds to work

5. Open up the Let's Sing Together - With Nature.cue with a text editor and change the following:

CATALOG 0000000000000
FILE "Let's Sing Together - With Nature.bin" BINARY
  TRACK 01 CDI/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

So that it looks like this

CATALOG 0000000000000
FILE "Let's Sing Together - With Nature.bin" BINARY
  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

then save it.

6. Download and unpack it, drag the Let's Sing Together - With Nature.cue file onto Cue or GDI to CHD.bat

7. Put and Let's Sing Together - With Nature.chd into the Mame/Roms directory

8. Run Mame and look for the CD-i (Mono-I) (PAL) entry and start it, now that it has been started hit tab and a menu will appear, scroll down to File Explorer and pick Cdrom and select Let's Sing Together - With Nature.chd that's inside your Mame/Roms directory, wait a while for the aqua colored screen to disappear and your game should now load, enjoy.


  1. Thanks so much for this. The only source I could find that actually works
