Sunday, May 30, 2021

SA-1 demonstration cartridge dumped for Snes

"On March, Forest of Illusion, a Twitter account designed for "Preserving Nintendo's History", posted a tweet about a SA-1 demonstration cartridge being available on eBay for acquiring. The cartridge was undumped at that time and shown two mysterious demos, which the first demo suggested a comparison between S-CPU (SNES CPU) and C-CPU (SA-1 CPU) and another demo that suggested a software SA-1 graphics rotation system.

l was pretty sad that there was no dump available and no hopes of the cartridge getting acquired: after all, it was being sold by a pretty high amount (if I remember correctly, the initial price was around $4,200). However.... I got the great news that one of my Patrons (which preferred to stay anonymous) acquired the cartridge and he sent it to Bob (from RetroRGB) to dump it and send a copy of the ROM for me. When I initially saw the DM Bob sent it to me... I couldn't believe it. 

The demo that I was looking for pretty much over 7 years, since the day I heard about its existence on SNES Central... And now it was finally dumped and I could analyze & play it! It's certainly one of most grateful surprises I ever got!"

History & download: 

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